說正經的,Cannondale公司出品的鋁合金車架可以算是業界先驅。絕大部份車廠在90年代才真正投入很多資源在研發鋁合金上面,但是Cannondale 80年代就已經對於鋁合金管材的特形有一定了解了,因此這家公司一直堅持讓競賽選手使用鋁合金車架,不過近年來也開始將碳纖維車架(System Six)提供給車隊使用,不過後三角還是鋁合金的設計。
可能很少人注意到,Cannondale是做配件起家的。主要是一些旅行用的馬鞍包、拖車等,甚至還有很多旅行用品,自行車只是其中一部份(甚至算是較小的一部份),90年代末期還生產過一些越野用的機動車輛,但是銷售奇差讓Cannondale在2003年宣告破產,還好經營權轉移之後,體制健全很快繼續生產車輛,此時已經將主要銷售產品改為單車,2008年由Dorel Industry買下經營權,旗下包括其他知名品牌如Pacific、GT等...
“At Cannondale, we’ve looked at bicycling from the cyclist’s point of view for years. Now we have built a revolutionary bicycle frame that is ideal for long distance touring, time trailing, and everything in between. Despite a long wheelbase that provides touring stability, the frame is extremely responsive to pedaling due to its remarkable stiffness. This rigidity is achieved through our use of large diameter aluminum alloy tubing, which gives our frame greater resistance to flexing than conventional steel frames. Whether pedaling up a steep hill with loaded panniers, or breaking into a sprint, you’ll feel the difference a Cannondale frame makes.
Cannondal cycling performance is available two ways. You can choose our complete Sport/Touring bicycle, the ST-500, equipped with an intelligently selected group of component. Or you can build up your own cycling machine with a Cannondale frameset, the ST-300. For sport riding of long distance touring, any type of recreational road riding, you will find that a Cannondale Sport/Touring bicycle of frameset will add a dimension of excellence you never thought possible.”
“We selected aluminum alloy for our frame only after careful study of the several materials available. Traditional steel tubing has served the cyclist well, but has always meant a comprise. To get the stable ride of a long wheelbase, cyclist have had to put up with a whippy(and often wimpy)frame. As a result, many cyclists are under the misconception that flexibility is desirable in a touring frame, the less efficient is each pedal stroke. Energy that should be transmitted to the wheel is wasted flexing the frame, causing a sluggish, tiring ride.
We Know that a tourist needs efficient pedaling as much as any other cyclist, so we decided to build a frame that combines touring performance with responsive stiffness. Our aluminum alloy frame has a better strength to weight ratio and is far more even the finest steel bicycles. How do we achieve this edge in strength and stiffness? We use large diameter tubing.”
1983年是Cannondale首度進入公路車市場,大尺寸的頭碗、Oversized下管,Chainstay, seatstay作成橢圓管以減低震動,相較於同期主流的lugged steel frames,CAAD系列沒有任何接管的部份,完全由焊接製成。CAAD的全名是Cannondale Advanced Aluminum Design,而Cannondale一直以優良的鋁車架技術自豪。與現在相反的是,當時鋼管車是大量生產的,鋁合金車架只能小批量手工生產,而原廠迄今仍號稱CAAD是Hand made in USA。(某年份型錄有闡述美國勞工克勤克儉優良生產的文章...)從CAAD 4 開始,引進了S-bend aluminum seat stays,目的也是提升舒適程度,減緩路面顛簸造成的不適。
鋼管車的復興(或說復辟),已經讓台灣的車友漸漸體會到一件事情 - 單車的重量不是全部。雖說依然有很大部份的人要求輕量化,但也有一部份的車友開始想找一部重量其次,但是好騎耐用的公路車,雖然有些人藉著鋼管熱賣了些爛貨到市場 - 容我這麼說,連上正常變速器的鉤爪都沒有的車,買回來只是自己徒增麻煩,而126mm花鼓強裝十速、當年通勤車上煞變把...雖然組車沒有對與錯,但是要求本來製成就軟趴趴的車架要有驚人的表現實在是強車所難,只能一直在“路感優異”、“Q度十足”上作文章,實在讓我不太能了解箇中奧義,我認為預算有限不如選購一台製造優良的鋁合金車架,不但能提供上述許多的優點,重點是價格也不至於讓人吃半年泡麵。
大多人對於鋁合金車架都抱持著“硬”、“路感過於直接”、“久了會疲乏”、“重”、“入門車才用的材料”...等缺點,但我覺得以鋁合金是目前最好取得、且最便宜、亦是技術最純熟的材料,加上稱的上便宜的售價可以讓平民百姓如我還是負擔的起,經過多年賽事的考驗(不用懷疑,Cannondale一直到2007年還提供全鋁車架給環義冠軍Di Luca),使用的Saeco、Liquigas車隊等表現都還不錯,足以滿足我這個小車迷一點點的虛榮心,哈!
至於我覺得最有趣的公路車成車,應該是2000年的R4000 CAAD4,配上全套Mavic電子變速套件,還有現在相當少見的Mavic大盤飛輪。
- May 31 Sat 2008 01:24
Aluminum Alloy Fantasy - Cannondale CAAD